Problem solved I believe.

It seems to be a fault with Windows XP SP2.

You need to edit the registry. Navigate to the registry key:


If you look at the "midi1-9" keys you will see that they are all taken up probably with the same driver. There seems to be a driver limit and Windows will not allow any more drivers even if all 10 drivers listed are the same driver! Delete one, exit the registry and uninstall then reinstall the Yamaha USB Driver and you will find you will be up and running.

Hope this works for you. It worked fine for me.


Ben, North Devon

Originally posted by BEBOP:
YOu have the same problem that I have. I have been sidetracked for a couple of weeks and have not worked on this problem anymore. I hope to get back to it this week coming and hope for a resolution. I have tried all the drivers from 2.1.13 that came on the floppy through 2.1.16 from Yamaha.
The 13 driver loaded first time into my laptop so it has to be a conflict in my desktop.
I will let you know what I did to resolve the problem if I get it done before you do and would ask you to do the same.
Best regards,