Originally posted by gilbert:

Thanks for your post and I concur with all the points you make,however it would have been nice to hear the studio demos i,e voices and styles through the normal speaker.This is what the customer will eventually hear,which is somewhat different to the high power systems used in even the one man studio demos.


I think the only way to assess speakers as an individual is to be in the same room as them and listen to them directly with your ears.
Any other way of hearing via speakers remotely would depend on use of (stereo?) mics and all the extra variability and degradation that would introduce and you'd never be able to trust what you hear for the purposes of making an assessment. Plus you can't get away from the fact that the quality you eventually hear of the "demo" is further distorted by the characteristics of the sound and speaker system you listen to it on at home.
Any "normal" internet demo that tries to give decent sound quality will take signals directly from say line out and bypass any speakers to make the audio file. Can't really blame them for that I think?
