So...how does he fix the fact that CONTENT is the real thing we want...along with great arranger features (at least us arranger players)????

Use Qranger I guess?
Tastenpoint are waiting on the release of ver 5.0 and when that happens from what I gather you can just buy a few hundred styles off them optimised for the Groove.

Don’t quote me on that though, I’ve not been following the arranger side of things with this keyboard too much.

If I was looking for a WS...I might be intrested.

As a workstation it’s all singing and dancing straight out of the box. Damn fine workstation too.

I have LS and it's pretty darn good. The ntegration with all the physical cotrols is what is missig...MS had that covered.

All that’s still there. Qranger is controllable from the same buttons.

Well...I have a PA2...great content..but I am also interested in a T4 because why...MORE content...from more sources.

It’s likely not the keyboard for you then if your looking for an arranger full of content. Sound… sure, it’s got more than you would know what to do with. But as an arranger you got to be able to do your own work at this moment in time to make it the machine you want.

Well… that is until Tastenpoint release what they have been working on.
