Interesting comments...

I've done almost six thousand gigs over the last 15 years...not bragging as there's guys around here who have done more, I'm sure...

I've used a music pad pro for 100% of my gigs, for about 4-5 years. Before that I used traditional sheet music...

No one has ever...not once...even commented on me using music while performing. Other musicians have commented on how they'd like to get on of the MPP's but never anything negative...

I've also consistently received feedback from clients throughout the years that my performances are among the most "personal" they've ever seen.


I say if it helps you worry about one less thing AND you're not compromising your audience interaction, then use them...

Not using any sheet music doesn't necessarily mean you're connecting with your audience just as using the aids doesn't mean you're not.

Bill in Dayton

[This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 11-09-2010).]
Bill in Dayton