Originally posted by Fran Carango:
There is no way a first time player of a Prelude can learn enough to understand what a great keyboard it is.....No 1 or 2 hour demo is going to work...If you are a Roland user..it still will need time to get a handle of the Prelude..Once you know the instrument..it is hard to not use it..even with 61 keys...

How good is it...I am seriously thinking of using the G70 and Prelude together..

Jim you can carry a PA800 and a 17 pound Prelude (under one arm)..

You have to spend time with it to understand it..I seen Donny struggle to try and figure it out..even thought it is simple to use....Patience is a virtue..

Yes Fran I totally agree. The GW8/Prelude are not as easy as you would think. Once familiar they are pretty straightforward. So I too would recommend Zuki take one home for a day or so.
