Originally posted by truberto:
I'm fairly new to the forum - was recommended by a fellow Motifator forum member. My mid-life crisis is taking many forms, one of them wanting to play live again. I am in the metro Phoenix area and know quite a few resort owners and managers. I am selling my Motif XS8 and upgrading to the XF8. Since I'll be playing in lounges with a singer, I thought it would be nice to add an arranger so I don't have to program every song on the Motif and/or Cubase. Debating between a Tyros 4 and an Audya - and if I go the Audya route, between the 4 and 5. Do I want another keyboard? Not sure, the Audya 4 module is appealing. And now for the point of this post - this forum rocks. Needless to say there is quite a bit to read on the Tyros vs. Audya front, as well as the Audya 4 vs. 5 issue. I may be new and a light-poster, but I'm guessing there are many like me who truly appreciate the shared knowledge and will contribute more as we gain experience. A tip of the hat to the members of Synthzone.

Hi Truberto. It was me that invited you over to the forum. I was wondering if you would be brave enough to show up after the recent posts that have appeared on the forum. Glad you spoke up.

As for the question you asked on Motifator , you need to ask it here.
start another thread and address it to Dikki or abacus James or Miden. They should be able to help.

Have you tried the Tyros yet ? You wont be disappointed with the range of things you can do with an arranger that simply are not possible on a true workstation.