I don't know where all these wonderful Yamaha styles are, but when I owned an PSR9000, Tyros 1, and Tyros 2, I was always searching for really good styles. Even in the public domain, I was lacking great rock, slow rock, Ballad Rock, Fusion, Funk, R&B and Country styles. If I wanted to play "Singing in the Rain", which was like never, I was covered with the Yamaha styles.

Even looking on YouTube at the new premium styles for Oldies Rock it just doesn't sound real. And now all the styles are going to have Vocal backgrounds in them. I would have to spend hours and hours editing copied ROM Styles to get them to how I would like them.

This is why I gravitate towards the Audya. The bulk of their styles cover most of what I want.

As a drummer playing the Audya styles, I feel a much better/deeper pocket and thus a better groove. When I started playing the Audya for the first time, my wife actually started dancing. She NEVER did that with any of my Yamaha keyboards. So, i guess the proof is in my wives dancing feet!

Please remember, this is just my opinion. You are all entitled to your own.


[This message has been edited by kbrkr (edited 10-14-2010).]

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