Hello, I updated the SD1.
I wish to return to 3.0.
How do I go about it?



Originally posted by Ketron_AJ:

Over all, I am glad that most of you are enjoying OS4.0 for the SD1 from Ketron. There have been some, however that have wanted to use the new OS with eg. the older sound settings. This is possible, however, please take note of the following:

If you want to load the sounds of OS 2.0a - 3.0c (while maintaining OS4.0a), you will have to go to the folder RELOAD (90) and reload the following files:

* -SD1STY0.rld

* -Firm000.snd

* -FLASH086.snd (All of these from the folder).

Yes - you can use the Operating System disk 4.0a together with the files above if you choose to NOT have the new sounds of 4.0a (Note hoewever that you will still have the 'noise' in the Electric Pianos and Organ sounds).

The reverse is also true - i.e have Operating system from 2.0a-3.0c but have the sounds of 4.0 (in this case you will have to load the above files from the newly created Folder - STANDARD).

Due to FLASH format size, the FLASH memory is always re-formated when you change from 4.0 to any other OS or from any other OS to 4.0. In each case, you will have to reload the FLASH styles (if older than 4.0, use the styles in the Folder 90 -Reload, else use the newly created folder STANDARD). The styles must match the OS!
