Originally posted by DonM:
Diki did say "unless you work for a music store". I don't always agree with him, but I don't see any reason to start calling him or anyone else names. I've never heard the term asshat before, but I'm betting it's not nice.
And I'm also betting he doesn't take the bait. No, I'd probably lose that bet.

And he KNOWS I do and still took his usual shot....which is why I don't frequent this playpen much. Will people buy the Tyros 4 that own the Tyros 3?

YOu bet they will just like those who had a Tyros 2 bought the Tyros 3. Yamaha will sell them and those who can afford $4000 for a keyboard every few years will buy one. People with an XS8 will look to buy the XF8.

To indicate otherwise is naive and out of touch.........yeah thats redundant. I know.

I will leave now......enjoy the octagon.
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo