Originally posted by Bill Lewis:

I would get them but I believe he sold them. If not I'm still open.
We're talking 10" speakers in the Pyle system vrs. 8" Podiums. Better bass from the Podiums?
I would also need a mixer with effects. and new cables to do AC plus line connections for the Podiums so the small saving in price is not a factor.
$400 for a system that packs into one piece sounds too good to be true but I'm still open for suggestions.
I would use the system for small stuff and back it up with my Crate KX220. Heavy like your old Rolands but it can't be beat and it is on the small side.

BTW what happened to the Ba330? I see you got new amp for the solo stuff. First the Podiums, then the Roland , now the Yorkville . You need a hobby----HA!
Been in Cape May a lot. When are you stopping by? http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/icons/icon12.gif

Bill in NJ

Bill, I am using the BA330 more and more...when not as the primary, I use it as the monitor (best monitor I have used.. )

The Yorkvilles have been our band sound system for 8 years..

My old Roland Cubes with the Edirol mixer..is my favorite sound system...

The Podium 12's you have heard are the current band system...for the outdoor gigs (band) we use the Podiums for vocals and my Roland Cube set up for keyboards.

Bill you can buy new 802's (pair) from the factory ..shipped for around $250...

If you are interested I have a friend that may sell his 1002's (10 inch pair) for under $300..he has used them a couple times (he has so much stuff he doesn't know what to use)..but the 802's kick butt..including bass..