Originally posted by abacus:
It takes about 3 years to design, test and bring to the market a new keyboard,(With the hardware done first) so the best technology it could have, will always be about 3 years old when launched.

As USB 3 was only ratified less than 12 months ago, and as far as I am aware no official launch date for HD Midi has been finalised, (It's normally announced at NAMM) the Tyros 4 is unlikely to have either.

I think DNJ is having a bit of fun here.

The exception would be if it used a computer at its heart, (Just like Neko, Wersi, and Lionstracs etc.) in which case it would be possible. (Don't forget Yamaha own Steinberg (The originators of the VST) and they are shortly to announce a brand new system http://www.steinberg.net/en/products/vst/preview_halion_sonic.html which if the basics were incorporated in Tyros 4, would really blow the hardware competition out of the water)


No surprise there bill......Again YAMAHA is WAY ahead of the pack! Only 7 months till Winter NAMM