Here's something to think about. What are the most significant tunes to you? "Significance" can be anything you want it to be, from the meaning of the lyrics, your, "signature" tune, a tune that represented a musical breakthrough, a reference to a particular period in your life...anything that makes your selections stand out to you.

My top 12, right off the top of my head are:

* That's All-(First recognition of great changes).

* Wildflower-(First tune that made me aware that you can find meaningful "gems" in rock and other music forms-also, my grandma's favorite-played it at her funeral).

* When Sunny Gets Blue-(Changes taught to be by Ella).

* Song For My Father-(Heard Horace play it live-I played it at my father's funeral).

* Hiding Inside Myself-(Kenny Rankin at his finest-sentimental song-a favorite to perform).

* Spring Can Really Hang You Up-(Just beautiful-learned it during my "conversion" to a hard line jazz guy).

* What are you Doing The Rest of Your Life?
(Has everything-beautiful changes and message).

* Sunny-(Learned this from a long-time mentor/teacher/duo partner-practiced variations on the lead lines).

* Work song-(Fun to play. Written by Oscar Brown Jr., not a close friend, but a great guy to hang out with).

* At This Moment-(Sentimental Billy Vera Song. The ladies LOVE it! Great to have a fabulous song-and singer- get the proper recognition).

* Gravy Waltz (Written by Another Hero and former employer-Steve Allen. My introduction to jazz waltz. He taught it to me).

* Wave (Was a major bossa fan during my transition from a strictly Rock dude. Still love bossa).

Had to do this list quickly, off the top of my head, because the significant tunes probably number in the thousands, if you think about it. Still play all the tunes above several times a week and never tire of them.

What are yours, and why?


(Gotta go to work-5:00 cocktail job)