James you have gone beyond the call of duyty. thanx so much for taking the time to make these wonderful demos...I assume all this can be done on all the MS models including the 61 version groove also?

Your welcome, and YES and what you see me doing on the Mediastation all applies to the Groove X6 and all other Lionstracs keyboards.

Another question does every setup song have to be "LOADED" right before you play it?

No... I'm not even going to use this feature because I can jump from Arranger mode to Media Player to Giga Program and COMBI modes with a single press of a button.

Selecting your style and the sound you want on this keyboard is insanely fast. At no point are you jumping in and out of computer programs. You don't even see them working away in the background unless you want to. You will always be operating the keyboard from Lionstracs custom interface.

In short, it's extremely flexible and you can work the way you want to work.

And are all the programs shown for sound and arranger play included in these models or?

Not exactly sure what your asking me there.
Styles and sounds are never displayed at the same time. The Styles are displayed when you press the Styles button and the sounds are displayed when you press any number of buttons. It depends on what type of sounds you are using. Could be VSTi's, COMBi's or whatever.

Jumping between the display of sounds and styles is at the press of a single button.

Can you next demo and show off the Vocal harmonizer and mic processor controls?

I don't have the Mic input boards installed so I can only show you the screen and the controls, and that's about it. I can't produce any sound with the Min input boards.
