I wish you would get your facts right for once, and stop bending statements because it doesn’t suit your point of view. (When will you learn that you are not the centre of the universe?)

1. Wersi has not gone, they have been bought by Musicstore, who at present are in the process of getting the Pegasus Wing to a wider audience before moving on to others. (All options and upgrades for existing owners of OAS 7 are also still available)

2. I did not say you couldn’t get a Quality sound from 16 bit 44 KHz, I was just answering the question of what the differences are between Open & closed keyboards, and the sound system is one of them.

3. Pop into the real world for a change, if you look at downloads, the 256/320K mp3 are on the increase, plus they will shortly be overtaken by the 24 bit FLAC compression system, (Although the original designers of mp3 are also working on a version that is compatible with 24 bit sound systems) which is becoming the norm for network streaming systems. (Even TVs are starting to come as standard with it)


BTW: Blue Ray discs use uncompressed audio, not compressed as DVD does, and if you can’t easily tell the difference in quality between them, (It’s actually a bigger difference then between an SD & HD picture) then your comments on the quality of music posts are quite frankly not relevant.
English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).