If computers existed in the tiny numbers that open keyboards are in, do you honestly think that software innovation would proceed at the pace that computer software does? There are MILLIONS of users for most popular software titles. And only a few hundreds, or maybe thousands (tops) of MS's and Grooves out there.

Look at the PRICE of custom bespoke software... it can run to thousands of dollars per upgrade for specialized fields. Without the sales of hardware to support it, this is what happens to highly specialized software.

My G70 had TWO major upgrades. FOR FREE. But imagine what the price of those upgrades would have been, for the tiny few hundreds that bought G70's, if they never made the G70 and simply introduced software for a G1000 that added the same capability. To break even, it would have had to have cost a significant portion of what a hardware G70 actually cost...

If you look at Dom's promise of continued, never-ending OS development FOR FREE, in the light of what a small user base he has, without constant sales of new product (after all, apparently, you buy ONE, you never buy a second!) and factor in what a tiny number of potential users he might get (compared to the ease of use of conventional keyboards), that pace of innovation may slow considerably, or he may need to amend that promise of free improvement...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!