Hey, Donny. Most of my music income comes from film sound tracks, done mostly on work stations, with live instruments added in the conventional multi-track way. Since I had an injury a while back, I've had to use an arranger more for live work to compensate for left hand/arm damage.

That means I'm well aware of the existence/use of tracks of various kinds. For live work, I'm willing to do the "purist" thing and suffer the consequences (less work, less money, limitations on the final product, etc.). But that's probably because I make six figures creating the very tracks I won't use live.

Again, it's different strokes. The market for "jazzers" is small, but there's a loyalty there unmatched in most other musical areas. And, most jazz fans would strongly object to your reference to "boring"; in fact, many would not respond very positively to many of the performances using tracks.

It's a niche market, but one steeped in music history.

And, for some of us (sadly, fewer as time goes by), it's the only way to go.

Be well, and we'll be thinking of you as we enjoy Tony, SANS TRACKS, BORING AS IT WILL BE! (LOL)!

(Just pulling your chain...really glad you're back!).


[This message has been edited by captain Russ (edited 03-31-2010).]