Donny, I've actually had mine for several it just before I went to NAMM. It's my "go to" set-up for about 1/3 of my jobs. I've used it on over 25 jobs so far.

My little 12 pound NP-30 piano was OK before, but sounds a lot better in stereo.

One club-an Italian restaurant with a bar that does full service food, is thinking about buying one for the system for that room. The bar seats about 40, and I'll set it up to line out into the house PA, so we can channel live music into the other dining rooms. We do that now, but, with PA changes by the three of us who play there, the sound is hard to manage, quality and volume wise.

These little dudes are GREAT. I need more volume and more inputs for the rest of the jobs, but have always liked Roland old Jazz Chorus...Cube 30's and 60's, the 30 watt CM-30 monitors a bunch of us got last year. I'm using the new unit in a few minutes to record a music in and out for a film project and a 30 second PSA.

Two thumbs up from me!


[This message has been edited by captain Russ (edited 06-24-2010).]