Man, what a day. One Podium 10 blew out. I turned it on and before I could even plug in the 1/4 from my keyboard it blew. No more power, just smoke!

I had to go mono. I put the other speaker in front of my keyboard and it SOUNDED TERRIFIC. So much for the stereo thinking all of a sudden. I still loved the on board speakers as monitors.

My 3rd job tonight came with a nice surprise. They just purchased a Bose Compact house system. So I had the opportunity to try it out with my 800....let me say this.........I WAS BLOWN AWAY...

Anyone selling a Compact?
Live: Korg PA4X/EV Everse 8s/Senn 935/K&M stand

Studio: Korg PA4X/Yamaha DGX670/Boss BR900CD/Tascam DP24SD/MTM Iloud/Sony C80/AGK 214/K&M stand