Not to start that is so counterproductive for us the example of a PA800/PA2XPRO...if more people took a DETAILED look at the PA's and especially the new OS 2.01...I personally think a lot of people would be very interested in buying one. One thing I have learned regarding the PA' need to read/study the manual to realize all that can be done and the programming/configuration flexability it has. It is a PRO arranger and also works very nicely with full MIDI capabilities, whis I like. An hour audition at the store will not give you enough time to evaluate the full capabilities of the PA's. The song book is Very comprehensive.

No it's not perfect and neither is anything else...but IMHO it is superb for my use and I like the new DNC capability as I can now make any sound I want and use the Defined Nuance Controls to my liking.

The new Piano that was created by Sharp (Irish acts) and Rob S. at the Korg forum is so good it brings tears to your eyes (it does take 166 MB of user RAM to load, 4 samples per each note!).

When I get some time I will convert/create some of the Yamaha styles from T2 and T3 that I like very much...and that can be done.
(Thanks Rikki for the one you did for me already!).

Lee S.
Lee S.