I agree with a lot of what Don said, but as a guy who joined in August of 2004, there were plenty of pointed jabs and sarcasm from a lot of guys in the John Dileo comment. Most were very opinionated and some came across pretty dismissive of some of the questions from the newer guys. Some had unbelievably thin skins. Some seemed like all around great, friendly guys...

As far as a online moderator, I haven't read much at all that would or should have caused a moderator to step in.

For every sarcastic remark from one guy, there's another comment from a different guy baiting him...or whining...deleting posts after they make a smart remark...

There's plenty of blame to go around, but this notion that Diki has singlehandedly ruined this forum is rubbish...

Mind you I'm not a Diki apologist, I haven't cared for the tone and the edge he uses at times, but frankly-I've seen him using a lighter touch of late.

In the natural course and evolution of a cyber entity like this, people come and people go...Would most of us welcome the guys in the list back? Sure...

Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton