I believe one of the Compacts would handle what you describe. I know two would.
I played an anniversary party Saturday night with a couple hundred people. After four hours of 50's music, the "usual suspects" wanted Brick House and Electric Slide, so I dialed them up on the laptop for the last two songs. You could "feel" the kick drum and bass guitar. I had the Compacts set at 12 o'clock and the mixer barely cracked. The sound was amazing. I can't imagine a live drummer generating more kick without breaking a foot bone or two. And yes, I've played with some of the best live drummers around. And with some of the loudest. Not necessarily the same ones.
Now, I have a REALLY big party for July 4th, with up to 20,000 people, some indoors some outside. I plan to take at least two of the big L1s for inside, and then route the sound outside as well. I will have on hand 3 L1s and 2 Compacts. After I see the venue, I'll decide what to use and where to place them.
BTW, I am speaking from experience in using them myself, in live situations, not trying to interpret numbers and guessing what they mean.
I feel the Compacts will handle up to a couple hundred people, as a general rule.
Hope this helps,