Oh, BTW, Larry. I actually didn't MEAN that this one was overproduced. I think the arrangerment is very good. My remarks about songwriter demos were more as a response to

I know that many of my songs have much more production than is necessary for a songwriter demo, but I had two reasons for doing this: 1) the personal fulfillment of hearing my songs close to how I dreamed them, and 2) to have a product that leaves little to the imagination for how good it sounds.

just to point out that it isn't ALWAYS the best thing for pitching your songs, but the line is a lot more blurry than it used to be. A&R guys are MUCH more likely to give a full production demo a fair shake than they used to. The main thing, I guess, is that the production can limit your market if you aren't careful. A song like this might work in a contemporary AOR market, but it might work for the country market too... (that's getting more and more like pure pop every day!).

If you know you are pitching to a particular market, a full production in that style works great. But if you then take that and try to pitch somewhere else, it MIGHT (I am not saying it always will) work against you.

If you are recording everything on a track by track basis, you can always play around with the mix after you have made the arrangement the way YOU want to hear it, and see how much you can strip away and still have a good representation of the SONG... Then burn that, and keep it for if you bump into someone from a different market looking for songs...

Can't wait to hear the next one. This is what makes coming here all worth while, for me...

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 06-11-2009).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!