Sorry, Gunnar. Didn't quite get the point, as much as you kept referring to different country's prices.
What you have is an issue with your own country's dealer network, or perhaps an issue with tariffs on products from Italy (even though Roland's are made in Italy, they are sold by a Japanese corporation).

Have you contacted the dealers, to ask them why they are gouging you? In general, are Italian products expensive in your country?

You might also simply be victims of unavailability, which ought to go away after a while. Those that show SUCH desperation to have the latest, greatest, the MINUTE it hits the street are always susceptible to dealers charging a premium for the few that they can get. Supercars often sell for ABOVE sticker price, because availability is so low...

Basic supply and demand. Wait for supply to catch up to demand, and it is likely that the price will fall. But, if you've got to have it NOW, and maybe a dozen more want the same thing in your country, and there is but ONE to be had, basic capitalism allows the dealer to ask whatever he thinks he can get. As desperate for what, to most other people, seems like a fairly average product as you are, perhaps you are driving the price up yourself?

Act a bit more nonchalant, a bit more 'take it or leave it' like we mostly show here, and maybe the dealers WON'T gouge you for your desperation?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!