Well, there is a lot of good advice here and it is appreciated. I never have problems with rebookings and the people generally enjoy what I play - a lot of it has to do with my personality. I have all my life gotten bored with things after doing them for a while. Kinda of like "been there, done that". I could fill a book with all the things I have done in my life because I have always moved on the the next best thing.

I like my senior gigs and the folks I meet there -often I arrive an hour early just to say hi and find out a little about some of the residents. It is a lot of fun and they seem to enjoy it too. I do requests and that is interesting too because some of the folks I play for don't remember things like the name of a song. I have also used the handouts and had them select tunes - they liked that a lot.

Well, thanks for our input. I am sure I will "get over it" and carry on.