I think the irony of this is when I was fresh out of the U.S. Navy (1960), sitting on a stool in a smoke-filled bar room, playing a 6-string Gibson and singing through a 100-watt guitar amp, people were just as dumb. They would come up to me while I was singing and playing and begin talking to me just as if I wasn't doing a thing other than sitting there. Even back then they would still ask stupid questions such as "Do you have something from Elvis?" as if there was some magical music and singing coming from the amp. Nothing has REALLY changed in all those years--nothing! And, I have a good friend that plays a grand piano while his wife sings. Guess what? His audience members do the same damned thing to him as well. This, again, reinforces my father's old sayings.

Case Closed,

PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)