
Like Donny said...the recording of a MP3 IS in the book, but the rest is not.

I am assuming you have the MP3 FEATURE installed on your PA800?

If so, you record to the MP3 (on hard disk) then just transfer the file to the USB stick (or if your PA is connected to your PC, just copy to HD on PC from HD on PA) Then use your standard PC burner to burn the CD You will them have the MP3 on your CD.

If you want to make a true audio file CD(wave) them you use your PC to do that also.
You would need a software package such as Roxio Easy CD Creator (many others around)

If you need help on the PC 'convert MP3 to Audio CD'

Or better yet, grab one of your local teenagers to help you...they can do it in there sleep! :-)


[This message has been edited by leeboy (edited 01-30-2009).]
Lee S.