I have the Bose L1 Mod 1 system. It has been one of the very best investments I have ever made.

Hi Donny,
Yes, it was a ball meeting you and Joe. Hey guys, if you don't already know Donny and Joe can play up a storm. No wonder they stay booked all the time.

Donny, I really should have stayed but my mind was really back at the hospital with my daughter. I was not focused or having much fun - no fault of Don or anything related to the Jam. I promised Don I would bring my T3 for everyone to see and I felt obligated to keep my word. When your kids are hurting it really takes a lot out of you. It was a pleasure meeting you and I truly look forward to seeing you and Joe again sometime.

By the way, the triplets are doing ok. As long as the one in trouble maintains it's current status the doctors will be able to delay delivery. We are hoping to get to week 32 weeks before they have to deliver them. Meanwhile, she will be in the hospital until delivery. Anyone out there with
multiples knows the deal.

