mc... sorry, you'll get an answer from the CIA easier than public communication from Roland. Over at, and prior to that the G7 Users Forum (the main English speaking Roland arranger forums), we got exactly ONE direct communication from a Roland employee in over three YEARS.

And that was to do with a screw-up about upgrade software.

Other than that, zero, nada, zip, zilch...

We need to put these guys in charge of the nation's security. They do a far better job than the leaky CIA and NSA!

If anyone thinks that RolandUS give a rat's arse about the arranger market over here, I'd sure like to hear how you come to this conclusion... OS3 for the G70 has been out well over a year. A VERY significant upgrade. There isn't word one about it on RolandUS's site...

If it weren't for the Europeans, Roland would drop arrangers altogether.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!