Originally posted by zuki:
YIKES! Thanks KF for the reply. Is it a waste of money to buy a preamp for less than $100?

Also understand where I am coming from. When I was asking the same question in a Recording forum years ago I was ridiculed for my choice, which was $700 at the time.
Some self proclaimed experts were convinced you could not make a good recording with less then an Avalon or Vintage UA...BS.

That said I know what was expensive technology ten years ago has been likely passed down to less expensive units. Perhaps even Mixer pres.

My first Large Diaphragm mike cost more than $600 AT4033. There were none cheaper. (Maybe the square CAD), Now they are a dime a dozen and every much as good as my AT3033 for less than $100! Perhaps you can indeed find a simple a great preamp for $100.

Channel Strips are the equivalent of a whole strip on a good mixing board. Especially those with optical vs VCA ompression, EQ, maybe even an aural exciter which I don't use.

IN the $100 Arena
These single amp only units would suit your economic and aural requirements
Presonus Tube Pre $129
Art Tube MP Studio V3 $75
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo