Originally posted by hammer:
Hi Donny,

The real story though is my Bose L1. The room was not large so I had to tweak my Tyros 3 Eq settings and turn down the Bose to almost off. I had compliments all night long about how nice the music sounded - loud enough to be heard but not overbearing. This morning I got two calls from guests at the party and booked two more private house parties. Both people mentioned how much they appreciated the music and that it was not overbearing.

You know, there were times I wasn't sure the people(only about 20 of them) could even hear the music.

I guess you can say it was a successful night thanks to my Bose L1 system.


[This message has been edited by hammer (edited 01-01-2009).]

Hammer I have a similar story to yours, no not the numbers you talked about. but the Bose. Earlier this month I played a private party at a country club for about 50 guests. Twice the manager asked me to lower the volume. It reached a point that I thought to myself, why are they even bothering having me play, the music is barely audible.( at least to my ears ). Short story is I was paid for the 2 hours I was contracted for and started packing up my gear. The party host came over and said if I stayed he would pay me whatever the cost was. We agreed on a price for the additional time and I got 2 more gigs out of it, including last night New Year's Eve at the same Country Club. It doesn't hurt having the Bose, that's for sure.