So I'm taking some 'stuff' down from the rafters in the garage on Saturday ... I'm on the ladder and I've got a box in my hands ... thinking I am on the bottom rung, I go to step down to the floor ... only problem is that I WASN'T on the bottom rung but the one up from that ... so I step down ... and keep going down until I am laying on the floor of the garage ... I collect my thoughts and it seems all body parts are functioning so I stand up ... things seem fine until I go to raise my right arm ... apparently I stuck my arm out to break my fall and I must have injured my rotator cuff based where the pain is coming from and also the fact that I cannot raise my arm without some pretty bad pain ... So it will be off to the Ortho Doc on Monday to get checked out ...
The ONLY fortunate part is that my Christmas 'rush' is over, and I was not planning on playing this NYE ...

The whole thing was due only to my own carelessness in not WATCHING what I was doing .. so ..
t. cool