Man I am sure glad I don;t have you guy's ears.

I'm glad Joe Six Pack doesn't either. To be able to discern Sample interpolation in 2008! CAn you say HOME keyboard. I don;t understand why people don;t understand Yamaha's market. They sell the Clavinova CVP with wood keys for $7000. I would hope the piano is indeed better since their whole line is based on a digital piano. As it is. But the Tyros is a keybord people can buy for 1/2 and sometimes less then half and expect the same quality of sounds?

The Motifs have better voices in some cases. The Korg's guitars and acoustic instruments leave a lot ot be desired as well.

The T-3 is a HOME keyboard. Its marketed that way and sold primarily to home users. Pros giggers use Arrangers at their own Peril or profit.

If you expect it to sound like a real piano in all aspects you need to dump it and buy a controller, notebook and a software sample player that uses 30gigs for the piano. voices.

Expectations are off the charts for a $3500 Arranger keyboard. People forget they are paying a lot for the Arrangement function and not just a workstation sampler.
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo