Originally posted by trident:
Maybe these can give you some idea, the page contains links to screen caps.

Tyros 1, 2 & 9000 pro EQ and Compressor settings from Mr. Voncken's website: http://www.michelvoncken.com/pages/downloads/eq-settings-sp500.php


It's interesting how modest the settings that Yamaha (including Michel) use for the Ty1,2,3. EQ's are close to flat or even slightly frown face compared with some users who have chosen to use predominantly smileface and sometimes hugely so - often abetted by the desire to boost overall volume through use of the EQ page's "Total Gain Adj." control.

On Ty3 I've been able to back off to Flat EQ with compressor off- so it's now set to out of the box. (although not using MS02 speakers).
Here's a recording using SA2 voices on Ty3 (and NOT using the SA buttons or pitch wheel!) which was done using those settings.
It sounds OK in my room with my speaker set up, although whether it sounds acceptable to other listeners will depend on theirs.
