Originally posted by IL Parrothead:
Kingfrog, unless we ever can agree (on both sides of the aisle) to go to a flat tax system, it will never be fair. The great majority of corporations and individuals making a million plus are paying little if any tax -- not the 39% you illustrate. And Sarah Pahlin has been an executive of a state that has one-fifth the population of the COUNTY I live in. So I'm not buying the logic that she's ready.

I would vote for eliminating the income tax and going for the flat tax. IF a constitutional amendment was added to eliminate income taxes otherwise we would someday pay both.

AS far as PAlin goes. Well Obama has never run anything. Nothing Ndad, not a ten horse town,

Population means nothing.
The bottomline is she is runnig a multi billion dollar budget and 59,000 employees as DID ALL OF THIS ON HER OWN, No help form the RNC. She is far more qualified than Obama and certainly as qualified as any Govenor. That would indicate the former Governor of NY (Spitzer) would be more qualified to run as President based on population.

I can understand how her "folksy speak" can make her seem like an idiot. But she faced down and won against an incumbent in her own party which rarely happens, Then received and distributed money back to the people from the resources from the state, Something a Liberal would never do.....return money to the people? She faced down the Big Oil and got this money from them. She suspended all taxes on gasoline for the people. No she is more than qualified than a guy who has pretty nefarious friends and speaks with a gilded tongue who uses EFX on his voice to make the One sound like the SON of the One,
The youth are easily manipulated.And most the Black population is voting based solely on race. most of both groups would not even know who the Sec of State is if asked....

Someone can make great speeches when read off a teleprompter makes them qualified? What has Obama DONE? Really what has he done? Represented ACORN? Community organizer? Well that makes AL Sharpton a great candidate. What has he accomplished? we have no access to any school records or his Thesis, We do not KNOW who Obama is. Except that he probably got an A in public speaking...but couldn't get a security clearance to join the FBI based on his past and recent associations with Bill Ayers,

IM not crazy about Mc Cain but I KNOW Mc Cain. He has more than proved himself. I KNOW Palin's record.I KNOW what she has done, I Know most of those she governs sees her in a favorable light, More than ANY other Governor including Rhode Island.I don;t KNOW Obama. Obama won't even release ANY transcripts from his school!HE has not been vetted by the heavily biased press.

Yeah he speaks (preaches) to the ignorant using emotion rather than experience. God help this country if the trio of Pelosi,Reid, and Obama runs this country without controls.

It's a shame we have no independent press in this country given the Pew Report.
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