Originally posted by JCkeeys:
I had a chance to play the T3 at the local Sam Ash today.

I quickly drove home and hugged my PA2x!!!!!

I "Entertained" the thought of buying one (I had a T2 before the Pa2x for almost a year)but hearing that "Yamaha" sound again convinced me it was not for me.
The Articulation buttons are nice but they do not compensate for the "Uninspiring" sound.
Now .... before I get hung out to dry by the Yamaha Fanatics let me say, this is certainly a "Pro" KB for those who love Yamaha sounds and we all know playing either one professionally will get you the same pay at the end of the night!!!
But, to me, the Tyros 2 and now the 3 is the total opposite of "Live" sounding!! Not that it is bad but, as I stated before, uninspiring. On another note the keybed feels the same as the T2. And yes I played through very good monitors in stereo.
When you compare the two (Pa2xpro and Tyros3)at almost the same price:
Pa2x 76 pro keybed
T3 61 "OK" Keybed

Pa2x Balanced outputs, Balanced XLR Mic input input, Phantom power
T3 none of the above

Overall build quality? No comparison Pa2x hands down winner.

As for Phantom power ... I picked up the new EV PL84 condenser mic and it sounds great!! Especially at the $129 price point. It replaced my EV N/D767.

For OMB work the PA2x is a better way to go without a doubt if you don;t want to carry a floor based TC Helicon M (which is much better than the one built into the Korg and generations newer technology)and has a far better pre amp and phantom power as well).

However for a simple plug and play set up with keyboard, a Beta 87, and a sound system the PA2x is the way to go.

The voices are more suited to live as you state environment as they are not already "mastered." The dual sequencer/MP3 player another great live feature. 76 keys are nice eliminating the need for a controller.

The only thing I disagree with is build quality. I found The sliders on the Yamaha were much smoother with no side wobble (and in a better location) The buttons on the Yamaha are big solid and lit up. The screen on the Yamaha is much better build quality (despite the lack of the motor which I never understood the need for)

The bottom line is you made the correct decision the first time unlike me who bought the Pa2x and decided the Tyros was a better fit for my needs ( songwriting and CD studio work) and took a $400 wallet wallop. I already have a nice preamp with phantom Power.

I would never use the Yamaha's vocal input for anything but scratch tracks (with head phones) while writing so I don;t have to light up the PC and the whole shebang until Im ready to track. The whole vocal input/harmonizer thing on the Tyros is an afterthought and gimmicky. The Digitech Vocalizer that came out 15 years ago compares well...

[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 10-23-2008).]
Yamaha Tyros 4
Yamaha Motif XS8
Roland RD700
Casio PX-330
Martin DC Aura
Breedlove ATlas Solo