Originally posted by travlin'easy:
The only limiting effect of the memory size with the T3 will be the number of third-party styles that can be stored onboard and utilized by the keyboard's MFD.


It bothers me when people just whitewash over this user memory issue. This is a TOTL keyboard. It should be made for professionals. The s900 is for people who don't need an extremely powerful and customizable board. For me and other custom users this is a big problem and I can't believe Yamaha skimped on this.

I guess regular Westerners have no use to be creative with their keyboards because Yamaha has pretty much done a superb job setting up their music. But for those of us who do ethnic music and make all our own styles, and make those styles sound like a live band, its not so simple.

For example within one song, I may change a style five or more times, and at a speed of 170 beats per minute. (Put it this way: Yamaha has 4 variations per style, I have about 50.) The less than one second delay it takes to pull a new style off the HD, means that I often miss the beat.