your taking the comment out of context Diki. These demos are meant to show off the T3 which it does . Unfortunately the demos dont show off the instrument for the better. Noone is relying on these demos to represent all the styles and all the sounds of the latest and greatest, not in the slightest. what is disappointing is that the demos, yamaha have chosen to whet our appetites are hardly awe inspiring are they ? I remember how my jaw dropped when i heard the T2 SA sax and concert guitar. It did not by any means represent the standard of the other sounds on the T2 which are good but not in the same league as the SA voices. But it did actuallly make me want to go out and look for a T2 to demo.But so far i have heard some demos from the T3 that may as well have been the T2 or even T1 when listening to the latest piece of the jigsaw. it just doesnt inspire me to even look for one to try when they come out. But if anyone wants to discard thier T2 for a knock down knock out price let me know !!