The problem Dom is that every answer you give is about a future developement of the instrument that will make it sound better..... How many times have i heard this line in the 3-4 years i have been on the synthzone and yet still with all the sales talk my ears tell me the MS is not an arranger that i could use.

I dont want to discourage you. I have never tried to do that. All i will say is that you need to try hard at keeping your focus on what arranger players want. The 'openess' of the instrument means nothing to us. Ask the guys who are lining up to sell their Pa1X's to get the latest greatest Pa2X or the T2 owners chomping at the bit to get the T3. You are selling a musical instrument Dom. That means it has to sound like a great musical instrument. Not a mixer, sampler, DVD player , Midi file player . If you get the bread and butter stuff right then the rest is just gravy. Best of luck