I'm having discomfort with my left ear and constant ringing in the brain for over a month now. I noticed it when I spent about two weeks playing the piano appx 5 hours a day a few weeks back. I was working on left hand technique for hours on end so the music was extra loud on the bass side of the piano. My feeling is there were too many rumbling sound waves going into my ear canal day after day (though it's the highs that actually affect your hearing).

I went to my primary care doctor and then to an ear, nose, and throat M.D. He found no abnormalities at all. No soreness, irritation, infection, water, etc...nada! I took a hearing test and surprisingly came out of it with a high score.

I explained my "sound wave" theory to the doctor and he replied that it had "nothing to do with it."

I'd like to go to someone who understands hearing as it affects musicians. I'm not sure where to find someone like that.

So do any of you have any ideas about this situation? Anyone also having this problem?
Any comments at all are welcomed. I need to take this in another direction.
