Another option would be the new Korg Pa500 with a listed price of $1,499 or the Yamaha PSR S700 with a street price around $999. The Korg will give you more sound editing capability and it also has Korg's newest RX sound generation technology i.e. the same found in the much more expensive Pa800 and/or Pa2x keyboards. It also has a Guitar Mode which makes it especially easy for playing the Guitar voices in the keyboard. If you are willing to spend a little over your maximum budget the Yamaha PSR S900 may be a good option for you because of not only the large LCD screen but all functions can be controlled without it being really necessary to look at the screen (same with the PSR S700) and also the PSR S900 includes Yamaha's Super Articulated Voices as well as Mega Voices.

PS: If you are sight challenged there may be way to place some sort of magnifying glass over an LCD screen too. Since a Tyros2 with its VGA output is beyond your budget realm, a large magnifying glass over the top of the LCD screen could be an inexpensive way to increase the size of the text and graphics on the display.

Happy shopping!


[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 04-14-2008).]
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.