Either we ARE representative of the English speaking arranger user, or we are NOT....

What is it? Because the calls for a 76 Yamaha FAR exceed what apparently OUGHT to be called for, because according to Ian, NO-ONE wants a 76 Yamaha (or not enough to make one, unlike everyone else).

The hubris of it! Basically, Ian (and Yamaha, by omission) are saying no-one needs a 76. 61 note-ers ONLY... It's good enough for him, and by golly, it ought to be good enough for us! How dare we even IMPLY that they might be wrong. They sell most of the 61-ers. That SURELY implies god-like powers of deduction... Hell, maybe we should ask them about a solution in the Middle East, seeing as they know everything!

Or is it that they are SO corporately inflexible, they can't bring themselves to do ANYTHING that might be 'outside the box' just in case it's as big a disaster as the 9000Pro (where was Yamaha's god-like powers there? ).

The fact that Yamaha dominate in ONE area of the arranger market does NOT mean that all their other decisions MUST be correct. They have a long litany of failures in other areas to prove that. It simply means that that ONE decision (to make a great 61) is a good one. As making a great 76 would be as well.

I hope, at least, that none of US think that, if we get ONE thing right, that OBVIOUSLY makes us right in all our other decisions too...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!