I know even before we discuss this that ultimately only I can decide. I have a Tyros 2 an Motif ES also, and have no intention of parting with either at this time.

In spite of what I read here, the T2 for me is an excellent board. The acoustic sounds are as good for my needs as any other hardware board. I won't debate that here because I trust what I hear and know what I like to hear. I have oodles of software and samples to supplement as well.

I elected not to upgrade to the Motif XS when I became aware that I could not use my AN150 and VL15 plug-ins in it. The plug-ins is one of the main reasons I did not unload my ES altogether in the past.

I kept the PA80 because I find the synth sounds an the editing engine to be more to my liking than either of the Yamaha boards I have. I can edit all from within and don't have to be hooked up to a computer at all to do detailed editing.

I don't care all that much about the Vocalizer. Also, my PA80 has a 5 gb Hard Drive that still has about 4 gb free. I should also let it out that I am probably one of the few that prefers the Korg OS over Yamaha's. I don't care much about sampling capabilities. I've always been of the opinion that dedicated samplers are the way to go for me.

The considerations at this point are :

Better sounds overall ? But is there a big enough difference for me ?

Styles that have better fills ( do the fills match the variations better ? )

Multipads that are actually useful ? Important to me as the PA80's are only useful to me as "on / off midi controllers.
I like to make and use my own.

I realize that media / storage device access is mcuh improved. I don't know how big a deal that will be for me..


I wish to hear only why it's worth (or not) worth to go from the PA80 to 800. What else am I missing..? difference wise between the two ? I have no interest whatsoever in seeing the my "arranger is better than yours" responses. I'm sure the Rolands, Ketrons, Mediastations... etc..... are great for those who use and swear by them. Again ... I prefer opinions on the differences between the PA80 an PA800.

