fran, as i said before, i am probably gonna skip this series of "cheap" arrangers. i cant buy an expensive one, so i would probably stay within the 1000-1300 euro price range. also, if i buy a second one, i must sell the one i have right now.

anyway, the new pa500 might be interesting to me, as i previously owned the pa50. sometimes i get frustrated with the fact i dont have some very useful little things on my E60, as easy on/off style's track or assignable pads for instance, and also i remember many of the sounds were better on pa50... at those times, i wonder...
still, if i'd have to let E60 go, i'll certainly cry for it's keybed!
another thing to consider is that right now i could get a good price for E60, actually i wouldnt loose more than 50 euros. but later on, might be harder to sell it for such a price...
it's alot to consider, but i think i'll keep the E60.

why cant be there a ko-rol-amaha!?
Yamaha S770, Studio One 3, EMU 0404USB, ESI, ATH, Dell. And others.