Donny, thanks for the poke in the butt. After groovin to the midi file and actually learning to play some of the different parts, I decided to see if I could replicate the song on my 3K. Sure enough, using a staight ahead rock style at around 116 bpm, a split keyboard with bass on the left and bright horns on the right, I was able to come up with a pretty close approximation.

Now I feel bad that I don't know how to convert all this musical knowledge into style knowledge. I've never been interested in making my own style. Haven't got the slightest idea where to start.

So, I will work with what I've got and what I know. I'm going to try to record this sucker with the SMF backing and with my own arranger backing. The arranger backing may take a few tracks, as I will have to build a little more background into the song, but hopefully by the end of the month I'll have something for your ears.
Riding on the Avenue of Time