Hey Donny & Ian ,

Thank for the help , again

Hands on so far , hey , well ok !

Have played the Motif XS and the Tyros once , no matter same key-bed , and I like it.
It has a solid feel , not H&B of course , but good none the less.
And the keys don`t feel like they would break if you wanted to do a drum solo.

From the time when I had the Y2k , all upper end PSR`s have had the lazy C-6 , so not only do you have a key-bed that really isn`t all that user friendly , the price is very right and it has some of the best sound out there and there is plenty of web support.

By lazy C-6 , I mean that the Y2K / thru the S900 , the last white key ( C-6 ) is lower than all the others , and for some reason that bugs me as much as the rubber buttons.

If you want to work on voices or styles you are going to need to press a lot of buttons , there is just no way around that , heck just to input your name is a pain !!

That brings me to the E-80.
I have never seen one , no where in my area has one.
That is a shame Roland expect to sell them ???
I have read all that the web will allow , and it does sound and read like a very good A/KB albeit grossly over sized for a 61 key board.
Another down side is no flash drive support , but thats minor.
A huge plus is that it has expandability , by way of sound cards m big plus for down the road when you want new sounds.
PCMCIA slot for Micro Drive , they are harder and harder to find and most are refurbish , although I could use an adapter and use a SD card , so there again , can be worked around.

All too confusing , really , if I was to use it has a tool to earn a living , then the choice would be easy.
Least amount of overhead with the best results , kind`a sounds like the S900.

But this board will be a home-KB only , for my own use.
E-80 one button guitar , where I have played guitar that would be another plus for the E-80 , and of course organ as well.

S900 , very good organ sounds , good usable styles multi-pads , all pluses for that one.

So as you can tell , I have thought too long and way too hard over a very simple purchase , but it`s not like I`m going to be buying another, at least not for awhile.

I must make the right choice , and I truly thank you all for your help and advice , without it , I might end up with an electric harmonica !! So thanks again ,you guy`s are great really mean that.

As I have said before , it will take time and maybe I`ll wait , but wait for what ?

Tyros 3 is a given , but when ???
I think it will be 61 keys and have just about the same design with no speakers , and I think it should have built in speakers , but can also see why Yamaha left it without , so you could had far better speakers than you would ever get in an all in one KB.

So that is about it , atleast so far.

Take care