Hi Rikki,
No the SD wasn't quite there. Neither is the PA1x, the PA2X the Yamahas and Rolands. Most of them have drums that are useable but for some reason the bass patterns and guitar patterns are just not quite right, you know what I mean? I dont know, maybe I am being too fussy. I listened to some demos of BIAB, and you can sort of hear something there that might be okay, which is why I asked the question. But you are correct the creation engine on the PA is very good so I will just have to (FINALLY) get to it, extract the digit and write some..I mean after all, its really only some bass patterns and some guitar patterns that are required so it might not be too difficult. My motivation is what's difficult as I have excellent MIDI file versions and I think, why should I bother with style versions? But they do give more flexibility in playing live I guess...anyhoo.