Hi Andrea.
I owned Roland Kbs (E20,30,70,86,96 G800,1000 EM2000)for many years,but I don't like the present line. For me VA7 and VA76 are E600 upgrades and NO EM2000/G1000 upgrades.I cannot understand a top line kb,without Fade in/out, only two variations,
without SCSI interface and "to Host" terminal. The present Roland styles are a confused upgrade of ooooold styles. In time,
Variphase for me is a expensive joke.
I tried the VA7 for 20 days because I made a bridge:I changed my 9000 by the VA7+some money.Now a changed the VA7 by the 9000Pro+ the SAME money.So,I changed 9000/9000Pro without to spent nothing.
I tried Sd1 too, but for my performances and my litlle patience,Yamie is the best.
Brasilian regards and have a Merry Christmas
Chico(KING Ronaldo fan,too...)