I struggle to accept my voice, it's a constant battle with confidence. I got what I got. It HAS improved dramatically though over the past, say, ten years. Because I have sang a lot! But sometimes, I HATE IT. But I have strangers tell me they love my voice. Go figure. Honestly, I shake my head.

However, I could always sing on key. To "Rebel," I'll be honest. You may be someone who should NOT sing. I have no idea. If I were you, I'd seek out a teacher or someone who would give you an honest opinion. If you are woefully off key, can't hold the pitch at all, maybe it's unlikely you ever will be able to sing FOR OTHERS. Some people just flat cannot sing.

Also search for a post on here by me about a girl who sings with me. It's in this forum... maybe two, three months ago.
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