Talk about diversified jobs. Had a first yesterday.

Publix Supermarkets have an annual Holiday Fest in their Florida stores every year. I got the call and showed up not knowing what to expect. They put me in the back of the store right next to the pickles and Eggs in a teeny tiny space. Just room enough for me, a PSR 2000 and a small powered speaker.

Being Veteran's Day, I started with all the Military hymns and patriotic stuff. Shoppers started marching behind their carts. I was getting the "thumbs up" sign from a lot of folks. Little kids were mesmorized, mothers were smiling, Srs. nodded signs of approval. I gave one little old lady a mic and she did her best to bellow out some oldies like Ain't She Sweet and Five Foot Two to the delight of shoppers (and the chagrin of her daughter who was at first very embarassed, then later thanked me for letting her mom participate).

I tried some of the usual dance stuff...but the things that really went over well were Patriotic, Christmas and some novelty things like Zippee Doo Dah. ( Sorry Tom, no Beatles )

Several ppl asked for cards. A few of the passer bys were friends I haven't seen in years and, all in all, I felt it went much better than I would have imagined. I wouldn't want to make a steady diet of it...but it was fun and they asked me to do it again next year.

Now back to our originally scheduled program.