Thanks very much for your response…You, my friend have such a unique sound… At least every time you open up your mouth to spout vocals someone’s not saying… You sound like Sting.. I’ve worked pretty hard on this for the last 5 months…. However, it wasn’t the song creation or the lyrics I found difficult… It was recording and mixing… I wish I could make up tunes and sing and let someone else worry about the levels and want not… And the different sounds you get while recording… On my system everything sounds good. On my work computer the vocals are too loud. However, I took the CD to my Neighbors house where he has a proper stereo system…. And while listening I was struck by the fact that I created these songs and like what I heard… And that’s why we do it, we are creating and that made it all worth while…
Thanks again Tony and FIX YOUR WEB SITE!!!!
I don't steer the ship... I bail out the water...